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Baye’s Theorem [Simple numerical]


Baye’s Rule

Bayes’ theorem is a way to figure out conditional probability. Conditional probability is the probability of an event happening, given that it has some relationship to one or more other events. For example, your probability of getting a parking space is connected to the time of day you park, where you park, and what conventions are going on at any time. Bayes’ theorem is slightly more nuanced. In a nutshell, it gives you the actual probability of an event given information about tests.

“Events” Are different from “tests.” For example, there is a test for liver disease, but that’s separate from the event of actually having liver disease.

Tests are flawed: just because you have a positive test does not mean you actually have the disease. Many tests have a high false positive rate. Rare events tend to have higher false positive rates than more common events. We’re not just talking about medical tests here. For example, spam filtering can have high false positive rates. Bayes’ theorem takes the test results and calculates your real probability that the test has identified the event.

Bayes’ Theorem (also known as Bayes’ rule) is a deceptively simple formula used to calculate conditional probability. The Theorem was named after English mathematician Thomas Bayes (1701-1761). The formal definition for the rule is:
In most cases, you can’t just plug numbers into an equation; You have to figure out what your “tests” and “events” are first. For two events, A and B, Bayes’ theorem allows you to figure out p(A|B) (the probability that event A happened, given that test B was positive) from p(B|A) (the probability that test B happened, given that event A happened). It can be a little tricky to wrap your head around as technically you’re working backwards; you may have to switch your tests and events around, which can get confusing. An example should clarify what I mean by “switch the tests and events around.”

Bayes’ Theorem Example

You might be interested in finding out a patient’s probability of having liver disease if they are an alcoholic. “Being an alcoholic” is the test (kind of like a litmus test) for liver disease.

A could mean the event “Patient has liver disease.” Past data tells you that 10% of patients entering your clinic have liver disease. P(A) = 0.10.

B could mean the litmus test that “Patient is an alcoholic.” Five percent of the clinic’s patients are alcoholics. P(B) = 0.05.

You might also know that among those patients diagnosed with liver disease, 7% are alcoholics. This is your B|A: the probability that a patient is alcoholic, given that they have liver disease, is 7%.

Bayes’ theorem tells you:
P(A|B) = (0.07 * 0.1)/0.05 = 0.14
In other words, if the patient is an alcoholic, their chances of having liver disease is 0.14 (14%). This is a large increase from the 10% suggested by past data. But it’s still unlikely that any particular patient has liver disease.


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