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Behavior Dynamics: Interpersonal behaviour


Meaning of Interpersonal Behaviour & Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal behavior is the behavior and actions that are present in human relationships. The way in which people communicate, and all that this entails, is considered interpersonal behavior.

Interpersonal behavior may include both verbal communication and nonverbal cues, such as body language or facial expressions. Verbal interpersonal behavior consists of joking, relating to one another via the art of storytelling, and taking or following orders. Interpersonal skills are highly desirable in many situations, specifically careers that rely on personal relationships such as the health care industry or sales.

Interpersonal Behaviour is basically how “two persons” interact in any setting. It is extremely important in organizations or even schools and other education institutions to strengthen interpersonal relationships. When at a basic level, that is, between two people the relationship is strong and pleasant, it will lead to proper behaviour. This behaviour will result in productive work which is ultimately what organizations are looking for. At the employee level if trust and passion for work exists, the unity between them can achieve great results. These results would be in terms of reduction in the time lag, better quality work, and excellence in working procedures. Even in an educational institution such behaviours have a chain reaction. If two people do not get together and are forced together in a group assignment, it might just be completed half-heartedly by the two and not achieve desired results. This will have two consequences. First, it will affect the other group members and their grades. Second, it will foster hatred and mistrust within which will have long term effects on those two and those surrounding them.

Intrapersonal communication is a type of communication that a person carries with him or herself. That does not mean talking loudly and crazily in the literary context but figuratively it is a methodology of communicating to oneself that is important in the psychological development of a person, for developing openness to his/ her ideas and gaining access into the psychodynamic dimension of the personality. Its purpose is to think, reason, analyze and reflect the thought procedure.

The skills that are required for effective intrapersonal communication are include enhancing self-esteem, along with increasing the extent of self-awareness (meaning knowing yourself well enough and being sensitive to your attributes). It also requires improving problem-solving skills and analyzing abilities. Moreover the need for increasing self-control and reducing the level of stress is a vital one. Lastly the effective management of intrapersonal conflicts (quagmires in general) is important in the carriage of a smooth intrapersonal communication.

Interpersonal behaviour is a topic that is widely studied by many academics. Basically, the term ‘interpersonal’ focuses on the bond between two people, and the behaviour between these two individuals will depend on the context of their relationship. For example, the way that a boyfriend and a girlfriend behave with one another will be different to the communication between a mother and a daughter.

Of course, interpersonal behaviour isn’t just explored in the environment of friends and family, as it is widely believed that a strong partnership between an employer and their staff can result in higher levels of efficiency in the workplace. This is why character building courses have become a key part of business, as it allows interpersonal behaviour to become stronger as co-workers trust one another further.

There are different theories that surround interpersonal behaviour, and it’s widely believed that the more people collaborate with each other, the better they will be at appreciating each other’s skills. It doesn’t just benefit the results that companies can publish, but it improves levels of happiness in the workplace. Because people are working with their friends and enjoying one another’s company, they are going to be chirpier and less likely to get involved with conflict that can damage overall productivity.



Interpersonal skills are the qualities and behaviors a person uses to interact with others properly. In the business domain, the term refers to an employee’s ability to work well with others while performing their job. Interpersonal skills range from communication and listening to attitude and deportment. Strong interpersonal skills are a prerequisite for many positions in an organization.

Interpersonal skills cannot be learned solely from a textbook. They come naturally to some people, while other people have to work at cultivating them. In many organizations, employees with strong interpersonal skills are valued for their pleasant demeanor and positive, solution-oriented attitude. These employees are team players, who work well with others to achieve a goal.

Interpersonal skills relate to the knowledge of social expectations and customs. Individuals with these skills consider others’ reactions to adjust tactics and communication as needed. Some describe interpersonal skills as social intelligence, which relies on paying attention to the actions and speech of others and interpreting them correctly as part of forming a response. While these skills are based, in part, on an individual’s personality and instincts, they also develop with experience and knowledge.

Improving Interpersonal Skills

While many people believe interpersonal skills are, to some extent, innate in each person or acquired at an early age, job seekers and those looking for promotions can take steps to improve their interpersonal skills and make themselves more valuable to an organization.

Steps for improving interpersonal skills include expressing appreciation for team members and support staff, practicing empathy, moderating disputes quickly to contain them, and planning rather than saying or writing the first item that comes to mind. Active listening can be practiced by repeating back to a speaker what they said to make sure true communication is taking place. There are also classes and training that teach these skills.

Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace

In this competitive marketplace, businesses seek to employ those who not only have the proper experience and knowledge but have strong interpersonal skills that fit well within a company’s culture. Strong interpersonal skills, such as negotiating, problem-solving and knowledge-sharing, are the main job requirement, as employees must be able to work well with others to achieve company objectives. Interpersonal skills may also include:

  • Teamwork
  • Verbal and written communication
  • Dependability
  • Responsibility
  • Empathy

These interpersonal skills can lead to productivity and success and, therefore, contribute to your company’s growth.

Important Points

  • In the business domain, interpersonal skills refer to an employee’s ability to work well with others while performing their job.
  • Among the interpersonal skills often required in business are active listening and negotiation.
  • Job seekers and those looking for promotions can take steps to improve their interpersonal skills and make themselves more valuable to an organization.


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