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Common errors in English


Common errors in English

Incorrect:  A little spark kindles great fire.

Correct:     A little spark kindles a great fire.

Incorrect:   The clock has struck seven hours.

Correct:      The clock has struck seven.

Incorrect:   There is no place in the hall.

Correct:      There is no room in the hall.

Incorrect:    We came by the 4:30 o’clock train.

Correct:       We came by the 4:30 train.

Incorrect:   He left with his belonging luggage.

Correct:      He left with his luggage.

Incorrect:    I gladly avail of your offer.

Correct:       I gladly avail myself of your offer.

Incorrect:  I have a good news for you.

Correct:     I have good news for you

Incorrect:  Worry kills more the men than work.

Correct:     Worry kills more men than work.

Incorrect:  We learn not at the school, but in life.

Correct:     We learn not at school, but in life.

Incorrect:   He sent a word that he would come soon.

Correct:     He sent word that he would come soon.

Incorrect:  I have read the Shakespeare’s King Lear.

Correct:     I have read Shakespeare’s King Lear.

Incorrect:  You cannot set a foot in this house.

Correct:     You cannot set foot in this house.

Incorrect:  It’s not good to go to the bed late.

Correct:    It’s not good to go to bed late.

Incorrect:  He is Daniel in judgment.

Correct:    He is a Daniel in judgment.

Incorrect:  It was tough decision to make.

Correct:    It was a tough decision to make.

Incorrect:  A little spark kindles great fire.

Correct:     A little spark kindles a great fire.

Incorrect:   The clock has struck seven hours.

Correct:      The clock has struck seven.

Incorrect:   There is no place in the hall.

Correct:      There is no room in the hall.
