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Factors Influencing Pricing


Factors Influencing Pricing

Pricing of a product is influenced by various factors as price involves many variables. Factors can be categorized into two, depending on the variables influencing the price.

An enormous number of factors affect pricing decisions. A marketing manager should identify and study the relevant factors affecting the pricing. Some factors are internal to organization and, hence, controllable while other factors are external or environmental and are uncontrollable.

1. Internal Factors

Internal factors are internal to organization and, hence, are controllable. These factors play vital role in pricing decisions. They are also known as organizational factors. Manager, who is responsible to set price and formulae pricing policies and strategies, is required to know adequately about these factors.

topic 2

(i) Top Level Management

Top-level management has a full authority over the issues related to pricing. Marketing manager’s role is administrative. The philosophy of top-level management is reflected in forms of pricing also. How does top management perceive the price?

How far is pricing considered as a tool for earning profits, and what is importance of price for overall performance? In short, overall management philosophy and practice have a direct impact on pricing decision. Price of the product may be high or low; may be fixed or variable; or may be equal or discriminative depends on top-level management.

(ii) Elements of Marketing Mix

Price is one of the important elements of marketing mix. Therefore, it must be integrated to other elements (promotion, product, and distribution) of marketing mix. So, pricing decisions must be linked with these elements so as to consider the effect of price on promotion, product and distribution, and effect of these three elements on price.

For example, high quality product should be sold at a high price. When a company spends heavily on advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and publicity, the selling costs will go up, and consequently, price of the product will be high. In the same way, high distribution costs are also reflected in forms of high selling price.

(iii) Degree of Product Differentiation

Product differentiation is an important guideline in pricing decisions. Product differentiation can be defined as the degree to which company’s product is perceived different as against the products offered by the close competitors, or to what extent the product is superior to that of competitors’ in terms of competitive advantages. The theory is, the higher the product differentiation, the more will be freedom to set the price, and the higher the price will be.

(iv) Costs

Costs and profits are two dominant factors having direct impact on selling price. Here, costs include product development costs, production costs, and marketing costs. It is very simple that costs and price have direct positive correlation. However, production and marketing costs are more important in determining price.

(v) Objectives of Company

Company’s objectives affect price of the product. Price is set in accordance with general and marketing objectives. Pricing policies must the company’s objectives. There are many objectives, and price is set to achieve them.

(vi) Stages of Product Life Cycle

Each stage of product life cycle needs different marketing strategies, including pricing strategies. Pricing depends upon the stage in which company’s product is passing through. Price is kept high or low, allowances or discounts are allowed or not, etc., depend on the stage of product life cycle.

(vii) Product Quality

Quality affects price level. Mostly, a high-quality-product is sold at a high price and vice versa. Customers are also ready to pay high price for a quality product.

(viii) Brand Image and Reputation in Market

Price doesn’t include only costs and profits. Brand image and reputation of the company are also added in the value of product. Generally, the company with reputed and established brand charges high price for its products.

(ix) Category of Product

Over and above costs, profits, brand image, objectives and other variables, the product category must be considered. Product may be imitative, luxury, novel, perishable, fashionable, consumable, durable, etc. Similarly, product may be reflective of status, position, and prestige. Buyers pay price not only for the basic contents, but also for psychological and social implications.

(x) Market Share

Market share is the desired proportion of sales a company wants to achieve from the total sales in an industry. Market share may be absolute or relative. Relative market share can be calculated with reference to close competitors. If company is not satisfied with the current market share, price may be reduced, discounts may be offered, or credit facility may be provided to attract more buyers.

2. External Factors

External factors are also known as environmental or uncontrollable factors. Compared to internal factors, they are more powerful.

Pricing decisions should be taken after analyzing following external factors:

(i) Demand for the Product

Demand is the single most important factor affecting price of product and pricing policies. Demand creation or demand management is the prime task of marketing management. So, price is set at a level at which there is the desired impact on the product demand. Company must set price according to purchase capacity of its buyers.

Here, there is reciprocal effect between demand and price, i.e., price affects demand and demand affects price level. However, demand is more powerful than price. So, marketer takes decision as per demand. Price is kept high when demand is high, and price is kept low when demand of the product is low. Price is constantly adjusted to create and/or maintain the expected level of demand.

(ii) Competition

A marketer has to work in a competitive situation. To face competitors, defeat them, or prevent their entry by effective marketing strategies is one of the basic objective organizations. Therefore, pricing decision is taken accordingly.

A marketer formulates pricing policies and strategies to respond competitors, or, sometimes, to misguide competitors. When all the marketing decisions are taken with reference to competition, how can price be an exception?

Sometimes, a company follows a strong competitor’s pricing policies assuming that the leader is right. Price level, allowances, discount, credit facility, and other related decisions are largely imitated.

(iii) Price of Raw Materials and other Inputs

The price of raw materials and other inputs affect pricing decisions. Change in price of needed inputs has direct positive effect on the price of finished product. For example, if price of raw materials increases, company has to raise its selling price to offset increased costs.

(iv) Buyers Behaviour

It is essential to consider buyer behaviour while taking pricing decision. Marketer should analyze consumer behaviour to set effective pricing policies. Consumer behaviour includes the study of social, cultural, personal, and economic factors related to consumers. The key characteristics of consumers provide a clue to set an appropriate price for the product.

(v) Government Rules and Restrictions

A company cannot set its pricing policies against rules and regulations prescribed by the governments. Governments have formulated at least 30 Acts to protect the interest of customers. Out of them, certain Acts are directly related to pricing aspects. Marketing manager must set pricing within limit of the legal framework to avoid unnecessary interference from the outside. Adequate knowledge of these legal provisions is considered to be very important for the manager.

(vi) Ethical Consideration or Codes of Conduct

Ethics play a vital role in price determination. Ethics may be said as moral values or ethical code that govern managerial actions. If a company wants to fulfill its social obligations and when it believes to work within limits of the ethics prescribed, it always charges reasonable price for its products. Moral values restrict managerial behaviour.

(vii) Seasonal Effect

Certain products have seasonal demand. In peak season, demand is high; while in slack season, demand reduces considerably. To balance the demand or to minimize the seasonal-demand fluctuations, the company changes its price level and pricing policies. For example, during a peak season, price may be kept high and vice versa. Discount, credit sales, and price allowances are important issues related to seasonal factor.

(viii) Economic Condition

This is an important factor affecting pricing decisions. Inflationary or deflationary condition, depression, recovery or prosperity condition influences the demand to a great extent. The overall health of economy has tremendous impact on price level and degree of variation in price of the product. For example, price is kept high during inflationary conditions. A manager should keep in mind the macro picture of economy while setting price for the product.


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