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Management of conflict


Management of Conflict Resolution & Stimulation Techniques


Effective conflict resolution can save money: Although conflict can be healthy,  destructive conflict can be costly unless you have the right human resources expertise when things go wrong.

Most organizations experience conflict at some time.  Conflict can arise within teams or with individual colleagues.  Disputes resolved in the right way is a healthy part of working with others.  Professional HR Expertise is essential if an organization has a culture of conflict.  An organization adopting good conflict resolution management can be a purposeful way to highlight and solve problems in the workplace.  Precious time, energy and wasted costs can be saved if the conflict can be resolved quickly and effectively.

The dynamics of conflict resolution: When considering the components of conflict resolution, there are two dynamics to take into account. The first is about conflict resolution styles.  The second is around differences in personality type.  If we aren’t sure how people tick, then personality clashes can get in the way of effective conflict resolution.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument: The Thomas-Kilman Conflict Model sets out 5 different styles of conflict resolution.  and the way different people operate.  By understanding these two ways of approaching conflict, you can empower staff and managers to handle differences in a completely new way.

Everyone has a way of dealing with conflict that is unique to them.  An organization has a “culture” of dealing with conflict that often has nothing to do with the policies and values of the company. It is very powerful for an organization to understand how they can use different styles of conflict resolution in different situations to get a win/win result.

Personality and conflict: Understanding personality types can identify the causes of conflict.  Myers-Briggs personality type instrument ( MBTI ) is a powerful and effective tool which can be used to identify those differences.  MBTI can help individuals and teams to understand differences, by helping people understand how they themselves and others, operate.   The result can be less conflict and greater harmony in the workplace.     A good Human Resources or an MBTI practitioner can help your organization navigate through the maze of conflict by:

  • Helping raise awareness of conflict and solutions
  • Supporting managers to build a framework of their style
  • Helping teams and individuals to understand different personality types and raising awareness of the benefits of difference
  • Offer mediation where any conflicts have become formal
  • Help organizations to have effective policies and processes to deal with conflict in a timely and effective way
  • Help Managers to understand their legislative obligations, particularly around the Equality Act 2010
  • Understanding conflict resolution styles and personality types, organizations are well equipped to pivot conflict to create a healthy culture of airing differences.

Approaches to Conflict Stimulation

Conflict stimulation is also a measure to solve conflict. In traditional concept, conflict was taken as dangerous factor. But in modern concept, conflict is not taken as dangerous all time. Nowadays, some institutes create conflict to find new way and for innovation. If there is not created conflict in institute, manager should think that there is some mistake. That’s why conflict is index of development. So that while solving the conflict, it is necessary to create the conflict. While creating conflict, following methods should be applied;

(i) Use of Communication: Communication encourages and discourages the conflict. So that, while creating conflict in required level unclear message should be sent. Threatened and challenge to the workers also a measure to create conflict.

(ii) Bringing in Outsider: Conflict also can be created by entering members with different background, value, view and managerial skill. The discussion with the person with different background helps to find new way. In this way, orientation with different members from outsides provides creative way at last.

(iii) Restructuring the Organization: By changing current design of organization, functional conflict can be created. With the help of restructure, the size of organization is changed. In this way with the help of restructure different difficulties and problems are solved in current situation.

(iv) Appointing a Devil’s Advocate: Appointing a Devil’s Advocate, the organization also can create the conflict. This types of person solves the problems differently of the members of organization. He works as conflict motivator. If he has good skill, knowledge and mind, can be good advocator of organization.

There are other many methods to create conflict for eg. Removing the person from work, making disagreement with group, Organization and Helpers and Changing the rules, regulation and policy, conflict can be created. In this way, while managing conflict, organization should create conflict in required level.


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