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Motivation Communication


Motivation Communication

Employee motivation is critical to maintaining productivity. There are several factors that influence motivation, including pay, career opportunities and positive relationships with co-workers. Business owners and managers also need to understand the role of communication in employee motivation, as it can sometimes be the most basic communication errors that lead to employee dissatisfaction. Facilitating effective communication can help improve employee motivation in several ways.

Information Distribution

The company should distribute information that employees consider vital, such as changes in the company’s business focus or planned changes in the workforce, unless that information is company confidential. For example, if employees inquire into the validity of a rumor that the company will be shutting down for an extra day during the winter holidays, the best response is for management to distribute accurate information immediately. This not only makes the employees feel respected by the company, it also helps combat rumors that can lead to morale problems.


A workplace operates on the effective relationships built between employees, managers, departments and all levels of the company. Clear and honest communication helps to encourage and strengthen those relationships, which can assist employees in reaching maximum productivity. For example, company managers can maintain a productive relationship with staff members by holding regular departmental meetings and sponsoring employee career development programs where management personnel monitor and assist in employees’ progress. Maintaining strong workplace relationships helps employees achieve high levels of productivity and supports staff motivation.


A company’s decision-making process includes active communication throughout the organization. Employees should be allowed as many ways as possible to offer their ideas and opinions, and be part of the decision-making process. For example, a company suggestion box can be actively monitored by management and when an employee suggestion is used, that employee given credit in the monthly company newsletter. Open communication allows employees to be a part of company decision-making and participate in the company’s success.


Skill set training programs with managers is the way in which most employees receive their career development assistance. If managers are not monitoring employee performance and developing training programs to improve productivity, then the skill sets of the employees begin to suffer. Communication between the employee and manager, as well as the employee and human resources, is critical in developing training programs that improve the employee’s job skills and motivate her to succeed.


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