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Societal Marketing


Societal Marketing

Societal Marketing emphasizes on social responsibilities and suggests that to sustain long-term success, the company should develop a marketing strategy to provide value to the customer’s to maintain and improve both the customers and society’s well being better than the competitors.

Societal marketing concept that holds that a company should make good marketing decisions by considering consumer’s wants, company’s requirements, and society’s long-term interests.

Societal Marketing creates a favorable image for the company increases the sales. It is not the same as the terms social marketing and social media marketing. It is a term closely related to CSR and sustainable development.

It emphasizes social responsibilities and suggests that to sustain.

It calls for sustainable marketing, socially and environmentally responsible marketing that meets the present needs of consumers and businesses while also preserving or enhancing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

The global warming panic button is pushed and a revelation is required in the way we use our resources. So companies are slowly either fully or partially trying to implement the societal marketing concept.

Three Considerations of Societal Marketing Concept

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Companies should balance three considerations in setting their marketing strategies: company profits, the consumer wants, and society’s interests.

  1. Society (Human Welfare)

Companies must make sure the products, services, actions, investments innovations servers the society first.

  1. Consumers (Satisfaction)

Products and services should be satisfying the consumer’s needs.

  1. Company (Profits)

Building long-term customer relationship, being socially responsible, and providing satisfactory products are important for profit-making and wealth maximization.

Objectives of Societal Marketing Concept

  • To maintain a long-term relationship with customers.
  • To create a better image in the society for the company than it’s competitors.
  • To carry out its social responsibilities.
  • Developing community awareness towards its brands.
  • To carry out its social responsibilities.
  • To increase the consumer base and market share.

Importance of Societal Marketing Concept

Societal Marketing is very important to society, environment, and businesses. This concept was developed in order to tackle the consumerism and profit only the motive of business.

The societal marketing concept helps to maximize profits for the organization and creates a long-term relationship with customers.

It encourages developing products that benefit society in long run and satisfies consumers.

Examples of Societal Marketing

Most recent examples of societal marketing are the super bowl 2017 ads of several companies.

Most ads took on issues like environment and immigration. These come after president Donald Trump implemented executive orders that raised controversies.

  • Kia’s the “Hero’s Journey” commercial starring Melissa Mccarthy is the prime example of societal marketing.
  • CocaCola release an ad that shows people of different ethnicity and singing “America is Beautiful” in different languages.
  • Airbnb’s #WeAccept super bowl 2017 ad.
  • Budweiser ad showing how a company founded by its immigrant founder.

The societal marketing does not stop there.

Societal marketing policies are what making companies actively trying to change social policy, taking part in social activities, investing time and money in corporate social responsibility.

Societal marketing concept questions whether the pure marketing concept overlooks possible conflicts between consumer short-run wants and consumer long-run welfare.

The societal marketing concept holds “marketing strategy should deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the consumer’s and society’s well-being”.


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